Former CBS Reporter Lara Logan Revisits Terrifying 2011 Rape by Mob in Egypt Amidst $25 Million Lawsuit |

WARNING: Content below contains details of a sexual assault 

Lara Logan is recounting her horrific 2011 rape in Egypt while she was covering the resignation of then-president Hosni Mubarak.

Logan, 49, opened up about the ordeal in an interview with Newsweek on Monday, telling the outlet that she wants to tell her story again as part of a bigger discussion about the media.

“You can’t have a #MeToo movement standing up for women and righting the wrongs of the past but say nothing about a female journalist who was gang-raped and almost died,” she said.

Logan, who was in Cairo at the time working as a journalist for CBS News, said that at first, the crowd she was in seemed “pro-American.”

“Suddenly, our translator turned to me with a look of sheer terror and said, ‘Run, run!’ I felt people grabbing between my legs,” she recalled. “I was quite stunned.”

RELATED: CBS News’ Lara Logan Describes Her Life After Sexual Assault in Egypt: ‘Since That Time I Have Never Lived Without Pain’

The journalist told Newsweek that her security guard, Ray Jackson, and crew were running with her and others in the crowd.

“I thought we were getting away,” Logan said, “but some of the men running with us became my rapists.”

“Ray told me to stay on my feet and hold onto him. If I was knocked down, I’d die. I fought the assault as best I could for 15 minutes, but they tore all my clothes off and raped me with their hands, with flagpoles and with sticks. They sodomized me over and over. They were fighting for my body. I couldn’t hold on to Ray any longer.”

“There was a moment I gave up, but I kept thinking about my two babies,” she said, referring to her children.

In a statement to PEOPLE in 2011, CBS News said that Logan “suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating.”

“CBS correspondent Lara Logan was covering the jubilation in Tahrir Square for a 60 Minutes story when she and her team and their security were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration,” the statement said.

Logan “was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers,” CBS’ statement said.

After being saved, Logan was taken back to her hotel, where she was sedated by a doctor, and flown back to the United States the following day. She was hospitalized for several days.

Nearly a decade later, Logan is exploring media bias in an upcoming special for Fox News’ streaming platform Fox Nation.

RELATED: CBS News’ Lara Logan Opens Up About Surviving Rape, Breast Cancer and the Benghazi Scandal: ‘If You Can Take That Many Knocks and Stay on Your Feet, You Can Take Just About Anything’

Logan says she is a victim of media bias and last year filed a lawsuit against New York MediaShe filed the defamation lawsuit in 2019, alleging among other things that a 2014 article published in the company’s New York Magazine titled “Benghazi and the Bombshell” downplayed her rape.

“When someone says I was merely groped, I don’t forget. And I don’t forgive,” Logan told Newsweek, adding that she was also concerned “that the truth would be adjusted and then rewritten over time and eventually lost.”

A New York Media spokesperson told The Hill when the suit was filed, “The New York Magazine article was thoroughly vetted and fact-checked, and we stand by our reporting.”

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual abuse, text “STRENGTH” to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 to be connected to a certified crisis counselor.
